By Dehnert Dental

To emphasize the importance of brushing for two minutes, twice a day, every day, the Kids’ Healthy Mouths campaign is celebrating National Brush Day on Nov. 1.

National Brush Day was designed to reach parents on the day after Halloween to reinforce the importance of children’s oral health and promote good tooth-brushing habits.

Parents and families can take part in the National Brush Day by showing their support on social media, using the hashtag #NatlBrushDay when sharing “brushing selfies” on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@brush2min2x).

Parents can also enter the Teeth Fairies You Make Me Smile Sweepstakes for a chance to win a prize package valued at $850 by uploading a picture of their child smiling by Oct. 31. To enter and for more information on the sweepstakes, visit

A You Make Me Smile Twitter chat is scheduled on Oct. 26, 8-9 pm EST. Parents can join bloggers, Teeth Fairies and the Kids’ Healthy Mouths Campaign to get tips and tricks on how to get kids to brush twice a day for two minutes. Use the hashtags #YouMakeMeSmile and #2min2x to participate. Five participants in the Twitter chat will be randomly selected to win a Teeth Fairies book and doll set.

Tooth decay is the single most common chronic childhood disease in the U.S. Despite the high rates or oral disease in children, surveys reveal that parents perceive their children’s dental health as a low priority compared to other issues such as school safety and nutrition.

National Brush Day is part of the Kids’ Healthy Mouths campaign, a national initiative launched by The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives and the Ad Council in 2012. It aims to help parents and caregivers understand why poor dental health can have serious consequences, and about simple ways in which they can help improve their children’s oral health and prevent dental disease.

In addition, parents are encouraged to visit the campaign website at, where they can find two-minute videos to watch with their children while brushing their teeth.

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